It's been a long, long election season now, and the votes have almost all been cast, and it's time to find out a winner. You know what that can drink to that!
I've got a few Presidential Election Results Drinking Game rules, so if you want to have a good time tonight while watching the results come in, here you go!
Rule #1: You have to vote to play this game!
That is the most important rule. If you don't vote, you don't get to take part in the rest of the game. I don't care who you vote for, but you have to vote.
Rule #2: When the person you voted for is projected to win a state, you drink once. When anyone else is projected to win a state, drink twice.
It's really simple. You want to drink to celebrate when your candidate wins a state, don't you? Of course, you want to drink to forget when another candidate wins a state, so you drink twice for that.
Rule #3: If you're watching results on Fox News, drink for five seconds if they say something good about President Obama.
I feel like this one explains itself.
Rule #4: There are certain buzzwords that I'm looking for tonight. Here's what you do if you hear one of them.
Swing State: Drink for 1 second
Change: Drink for 2 seconds
Bain Capital: Drink for 3 seconds
Birth Certificate/Tax Returns: Drink for 4 seconds
China: Drink for 2 seconds
12 Million Jobs: Drink for 1 second
ObamaCare: Drink for 2 seconds
Act of Terror: Drink for 3 seconds
47%: Drink for 5 seconds
I think that should just about cover it. You can obviously add more if you want to, but I think this is a good starting point.
Rule #5: When a winner is announced (hopefully tonight), you need to chug what you have left of your drink if your candidate wins. If your candidate loses, chug what you have left, plus another two drinks.
You'll want to not remember this happening if your candidate loses, so you want to drink to forget. Drink to celebrate if your candidate wins.
So that's what I've got. Please drink responsibly, and go America!
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